Video Summary
In this webinar, we explore cancer and critical illness plans from GTL. We delve into the features and benefits of the PrecisionCare Cancer plan, from Guarantee Trust Life (GTL), and discuss the significance of genomic sequencing testing, common objections, and actionable insights for agents to consider when discussing cancer plans with clients.
(3:53) About GTL
GTL's history
(7:24) Starting the Conversation
Example of how to start talking about Cancer/CI plans with your clients
(13:20) Precision Care Plan
State availability, consumer video
(16:32) TGen Genome Sequencing
TGen partnership with GTL
(18:12) What is Genome Sequencing?
How genome sequencing benefits your client
(22:14) Precision Medicine Benefit
Working with TGen
(27:16) Plan Details
Issue age, child rider, benefit builder, return of premium rider
(33:10) Underwriting
Simplified underwriting process
(34:57) Cancer, Heart Attack & Stroke Plan
Promotional video
(38:09) Combo Sale
Selling Precision Care and CHS Cancer Only Policy
(41:34) Critical Provider Plus
Promotional video, state availability, benefits, underwriting
(48:01) Resources
Marketing materials, videos, support