Life Insurance

Insure Your Love Month: Protecting What Matters Most

Episode Summary

In this episode of The Broker Link, Cristal Bustillos from our Life Department discusses the importance of life insurance during "Insure Your Love Month" in February.

Cristal emphasizes that life insurance provides financial security for families, especially for young couples and newlyweds. She highlights resources like for marketing materials and suggests using client testimonials to illustrate the benefits of life insurance.

Additionally, Mike Smith invites brokerage partners to a professional development day in Houston on February 5, focusing on ACA, Employee Benefits, and Medicare. Cristal also outlines various webinars available through the Brokerage Inc. Learning Hub to help agents with life insurance education and marketing.

Action Items

  • Create an account on Life and utilize their pre-made content for marketing campaigns.
  • Invite a client to share a testimonial about how life insurance has helped their family.
  • Attend the professional development event in Houston on February 5th.
  • Review the upcoming webinar schedule on the brokerage's website and register for any relevant training sessions.


Announcer: 0:10
Welcome to the broker link, where we empower insurance agents to sell more, earn more and stay independent.

Gillan Boyer 0:22
Hey, Gillan here from the brokerage. Welcome to The Broker Link podcast. It is ensure your love month. So we've brought in Crystal from our live team to tell us all about it.

Crystal Bustillos 0:37
Hey, this is Crystal Bustillos life marketing support at the life department here at the Brokerage Inc, and February is insure your love month, protecting what matters most. February is Insure Your Love Month. And honestly, this is one of my favorite themes. Life insurance is the ultimate way to show love and protect the people who matter the most. Think about it, what a better gift could you give your family than financial security? This month is a great time to connect with young couples, newlyweds or family, who are just starting to grow. They're at a point in life where financial planning might feel overwhelming, and life insurance often gets overlooked. But here's the message, life insurance is about building a foundation. It's about ensuring that if something happens, their kids education is covered, their mortgage is paid, and their spouse doesn't have to worry about debt. Also, don't forget about marketing. There is something out there called Life This is a great website for you to go create an account and use their pre made content material, so that way you will be able to run some campaigns around love. There's also campaigns in other languages, such as Spanish, and it's a lot of content that's pre made for you. So really, all you have to do is follow the rules and copy and paste and you're done for the day. Another idea you could do is bring in a client and have them talk about, in their you know, their testimony and and have them talk about how life insurance really helped them and their family out how it helped them not just put everything on a hold, but was they were able to get ahead in life without having to worry and stress about what's to come with all the bills and the mortgage payments and you know, your car breaks down and you didn't have enough to to move forward or to, you know, to go on in life, a simple message like, protect Your love with life insurance can be incredibly effective. You could even offer a Valentine's Day promotion or host an online webinar highlighting how life insurance is an act of love. Lastly, you should take this opportunity to educate clients on how life insurance fits into estate planning. A lot of people don't realize how much smoother things can be for their loved ones when they plan ahead. So use stories and real life examples to make it more you know, personal and relatable.

Mike Smith 3:40
Hello, brokerage partners. Have you ever woke up one day and just felt like everything went just like what you planned? And then there's other days when you wake up and nothing seems to make sense? Well, if that's you, and that's certainly me, we invite you to join us in Huston at the Cadillac bar on February 5, where we're going to have a full day, a professional development day, where we're going to have up to five hours of CE lunch, breakfast, different sponsors, and I'm going to be moderating a panel. I'm Mike Smith from the brokerage, and I want to help answer those questions about if you're in the ACA business, if you're in the Employee Benefits world, where perhaps you're trying to get into Medicare. How do these all interact together? And we're going to have three industry experts, all with seasoned professionals in the brokerage distribution business, and we're going to talk about these things, and we're going to answer those questions about, should a person stay on a group health plan? Do they need to transfer to Medicare? Should the group cancel and put everybody with a subsidized ACA premium and all those other things about accessing doctors. How do we afford the medications? So I want you to join us, Huston, February 5, at the Cadillac bar.

Crystal Bustillos 4:55
Here's a reminder of what you can expect, especially if you're brand new to the brokerage. Knowledge from the life department every month, we at least try to do one webinar with our one of our core carrier partners and talk about a specific topic. But we also have other webinars or trainings that you can tune in and join when you log on to our website. We have what is called the Learning Hub, and you'll find lots of recorded material, blogs, podcasts, but besides that, you'll have the opportunity to register for what's coming up. Sometimes we'll do additional events, or, I'm sorry, sometimes we'll do events outside of where our home office is. This year, I believe we are going to Huston. So if Huston people are listening out there, make sure you tune in and visit us at the office that's going to be coming up in the future. Now another thing is other webinars that we do, besides our core carrier partners, is we do life insurance. I'm sorry, life insurance refresher course. So if you're brand new, or if you simply need a refresher course, it's a great webinar to tune into. I start by giving you guys a foundation, and we build up from there. We have another webinar that's called Marketing for life insurance. That one it helps talk about in or I gave you guys ideas of different websites that you can use for content, ideas how to create a new website, or what websites you can use to create a new website for your business. And the last webinar that I have is called final expense. So if you're wanting to know more about how final expense works and the different underwriting types and the different benefit types, that's a good one to tune into. So make sure you make sure you guys are going on to the brokerage logging in, looking at the Learning Hub and reviewing what webinars and upcoming events are happening, so that way we can stay in touch and help you guys get more ideas and hopefully give you guys a successful 2025 thank you again, and I'm Crystal Bustillos in The Life department.

Announcer 7:21
You've been listening to the broker link, where we empower insurance agents to sell more, earn more and stay independent. If you're looking for a partner that's dedicated to helping you grow your insurance business, visit us at the brokerage  We'll see you next week. You.


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