Insurance Basics

Technology Partners

By Gillan Boyer

Technology Partners

The Brokerage is excited to announce our new technology partnerships to help you grow your business. Whether you’re looking for an insurance website, digital marketing services, CRM, or client communications software, we’ve got you covered!

Websites & Digital Marketing

Brightfire Partnership 1 1

BrightFire is our preferred digital marketing provider. They offer beautifully designed websites, lead generation, local search engine optimization, review generation, social media marketing, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

All of these services are supported by their experienced staff of insurance digital marketing experts. You can learn more and get our exclusive discount here.

CRM & Agency Management System

Agencybloc Partnership

AgencyBloc is our preferred agency management system for life & health insurance agencies. You can manage prospects, clients, policies, agents, carriers, and more in an industry-specific CRM built with your needs in mind.

You can learn more about our partnership and exclusive discount here.

CRM & Agency Management System

Medicare Pro

For agents that want a CRM that integrates directly with Simply Enroll (Sunfire), we’ve recently partnered with MedicarePro! This CRM has been built specifically for the independent Medicare agent, so it’s definitely worth checking out.

To get our exclusive discount, sign up here.

Medicare Retention Platform

Medzues Tech Partner

If you want to succeed in Medicare Advantage sales, you cannot overlook the importance of client retention. Our new partner, MediZues, has developed a platform that monitors your book of business and notifies you when CMS approves plan changes – so you can proactively reach out to your clients.

To get our exclusive discount, sign up here.

Retirement Planning

Retirable Tech Partner

Offer financial wellness to your Medicare clients.

Health and wealth go hand in hand in retirement. The Brokerage Inc. has partnered with Retirable to provide your clients with our financial wellness benefits while growing your client relationships, retention, and revenue. For free!

Click here to learn more and sign up.

Client Communications Software

Technology Partnerships Clientcircle

ClientCircle is a leading communications platform in the U.S. helping insurance agencies make sure their customers stay longer, buy more, and refer their friends.

Their software helps you manage your agency’s marketing, communications, reputation management, retention, and cross-selling. You can learn more about our partnership here.

Voice, Text Messaging, and Meetings

Intulse And The Brokerage Inc

Intulse is our preferred business phone system for life & health insurance agencies. You can make phone calls, send text messages, and host meetings from your favorite devices.

Features such as call and text messaging logging and call recording help keep your agency compliant. While other features such as CRM (AgencyBloc, Salesforce, Hubspot, and many more) integrations improve your efficiency and save your time.

Learn more about this partnership and the exclusive discounts available to our agents here.

Consumer Quoting (Life Insurance)

Technology Partnerships Ixn

Engage your customers with a simple but powerful IXN quoting tool. With access to real-time product quotes and information, they will be able to better qualify themselves and lead to more sales.


  • Limit Carriers & Products
  • Control what carriers, products, and product types your customers will see.
  • Adaptive Design
  • The quoter design will adapt to any area, big or small, so your customers always get a good experience.
  • Customer Education
  • Provide helpful tips and information, like AM Best Ratings, so your customers aren’t left in the dark.

Click here to get our exclusive IXN quote engine added to your site.

Cybersecurity Platform

Technology Partnerships Cyberfin

Cyberfin provides a simple, all-in-one cybersecurity solution and compliance service for insurance agencies.

A lot of independent brokers think “I’m not a huge corporation; hackers don’t care about me.” This couldn’t be further from the truth. If you don’t have a proactive, layered cybersecurity solution in place, it’s time to get serious about protecting your company’s data.

You can learn more about our partnership here.

Gillan Boyer

About Gillan Boyer

Gillan leads The Brokerage Inc.'s marketing and communications initiatives. When he's not working, he's probably playing with his kids, making music, or reading a good book.